Teri Koff, LCSW, CMC
Aging Life Care Consultant
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Resources for Older Adults 
Aging Life Care 




Who uses an Aging Life Care Professional?


Families who live at a distance or overwhelmed with business or family responsibilities rely on an Aging Life Care Professional to provide a trusted link to their elder parents or relatives.  An Aging Life Care Professional has the clinical skills needed to develop a rapport with difficult individuals who may initially resist outside help.  Resources for Older Adults will be able to suggest several different approaches to overcoming the older adult’s objections while promoting self-determination and safety.


Older Adults who live alone or with a physically or mentally impaired spouse, child or significant other utilize the services of an Aging Life Care Professional who provide professional guidance to establish and implement safe and appropriate care plans.

Physicians and other health care professionals welcome the specialized individual services that an Aging Life Care Professional can offer to older adults and families a means to prevent clinical crises and avoid unnecessary hospitalizations.


Attorneys may use the services of an Aging Life Care Professional for a professional assessment of a complex clinical situation in either the home or in an assisted living community or nursing home setting.


Banks and Trust Officers, Accountants and other Financial Advisors find an Aging Life Care Professional plays a key part in a professional assessment to assure the provision of a well-targeted, cost-effective care for older adults.


Employee Assistance Programs benefit from services of an Aging Life Care Professinal for their employees who are experiencing stress or diminished performance at work and at home as the result of concern or caring for an older or disabled parent, spouse or relative.


What unique services can an Aging Life Care Consultant bring to clients?


Resources for Older Adults can assist older adults and their families in a comprehensive way by first establishing objectives to meet their individual issues


Resources for Older Adults 
can establish a personal  relationship and commitment with the older adult and their families.


Resources for Older Adults is not a home care agency and does not have home health aides or RN's on staff.  Due to the wide variety of options available Resources for Older Adults can be a reliable and knowledgeable service to local providers and accessibility to specialized resources.

 Are services provided by Resources for Older Adults covered by health insurance such as Medicare or Long Term Care Insurance?



Resources for Older Adults services are billed privately.  Consultation as well as long and short-term services can be arranged depending upon individual need. Aging Life Care consulting services provided by Resources for Older Adults are not covered by most insurance policies and currently are not recognized as a billable service by either Medicare or Medicaid.  


Long Term Care Insurance, may provide a Aging Life Care services benefit depending on the policy and need of the individual case and coverage.  Please refer to the individual insurance carrier to determine covered benefits.


Older adults and their families benefit by working with a knowledgeable Aging Life Care Consultant.  This approach provides advantageous, cost effective alternatives for the older adult that maximize safety and create peace of mind. 



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